- Genuine free-range eggs
Fiona and Tom Fryar are a farming couple who moved into egg production early in the 1990's with just 400 hens. Now along with their two sons, they run 60,000 hens on 5,000 acres, producing over 15,000 dozen genuine free range eggs per week.
With a total commitment to True Free Range, Fryar's Kangaroo Island Free Range eggs are audited by Humane Choice as an assurance to customers that they are genuine free range, they are also accredited by PROOF as pastured eggs.
The Island is known for its clean, healthy environment. With no foxes the hens are able to roam the paddocks freely and return as they please to roost in mobile shelters each night. Maremma stock guardian dogs live with the hens, protecting them from predators such as eagles and feral cats.
Fryar's Free Range Eggs are available in South Australia, Melbourne and Sydney. Please contact the farm for details of your nearest stockist. Wholesale enquiries welcome.