The Kangaroo Island Community Directory is a much-loved resource of our Island community.
It was first launched as a hard-copy directory in 1991 by the Kingscote Pre-School committee, as a fundraiser, with the help of the committee of the then Kingscote Area School. It continued to be printed every two to three years and almost every Island household and business keeps a copy handy.

Many people have been involved in updating, printing and distributing it over the years and we acknowledge their contribution and their many thousands of hours of volunteer labour.
In 2019, the fundraising committee of the Kangaroo Island Children’s Services, agreed to hand over care of the directory to the Kangaroo Island Business and Brand Alliance and Junction Australia.
The directory will be digital and will be printed at least every two years so that the Island community can continue to enjoy and use this valuable resource. Over the years, school students on KI have contributed the cover art and this tradition will continue.